Kathleen DELL
Town Justice
Kathleen has extensive work experience in the legal profession. She has worked for the Skaneateles Town Court for the past 26 years, 14 years as Court Clerk and the following 12 years as Town Justice. Kathy attends the annual training and certification offered to Court Clerks by the New York State Magistrates Court Clerks Association in conjunction with the Office of Court Administration and receives mandatory annual training and certifications for Skaneateles Town Justice. She also goes above and beyond with her continuing education and attends various elective offerings as well. The presenters at these conferences are representatives from the Department of Motor Vehicles, the State Comptroller’s Office, Division of Criminal Justice Services, members of various law enforcement agencies, and the New York State Magistrate’s Association, among others. Kathy has been fortunate enough to be a working professional, a stay-at-home Mom while her daughter was young, and then was able to return to the work force, right here in our community doing the work that she loves.
Town Justice, Skaneateles Town Court (Elected – 11/15)
Town Justice, Skaneateles Town Court (Elected – 11/11)
Secretary to County Court Judge (2/10 – 12/12)
Town Justice, Skaneateles Town Court (Elected – 11/6/07)
Town Justice, Skaneateles Town Court (Appointed-07/16/07)
Court Clerk, Skaneateles Town Court (08/96 – 07/07)
Deputy Court Clerk, Skaneateles Town Court (11/92)
*Current Member of the Onondaga County Magistrates Association (former President)
*Current Member of the New York State Magistrates Association
Secretary, Stockholder Relations Dept., New York State Electric & Gas
Secretary, Syracuse Law Firm (Melvin & Melvin)
Secretary to General Counsel, Agway Inc.
Graduate of Powelson Business Institute, Legal Secretarial Program